Frequently Asked Questions.
Protection and maintenance of stone:
How can I protect the stone from damage?
For stone protection, a protective coating, i.e., impregnation, is used. It protects the stone from moisture, stains, and other harmful elements.
How is stone cleaned and maintained?
Stone is a long-lasting and durable material that is easy to maintain. For its cleaning, regular rinsing with water without abrasive chemicals is sufficient.
Does the thickness of the stone affect its durability?
Yes, the thickness of the stone can have various roles: durability and strength, thermal and sound insulation, and aesthetic function. Greater thickness increases durability and strength, provides better insulation, and also contributes to a better visual effect with its massiveness.
"Which stone finish should I choose depending on the location of installation?
“For floor coverings and places where there is a risk of slipping, ‘rough’ finishes such as bush-hammered, bush-hammered-brushed, sandblasted-brushed are recommended, while for other applications of stone, the type of finish depends on the customer’s preference.
What are all the stone finishes available on the market?
The available stone finishes are: polished, bush-hammered, brushed, honed, sandblasted, sandblasted-brushed, and bush-hammered-brushed.
Categories of stone products:
Kameni blokovi su masivni komadi kamena koji se često koriste kao osnovni materijal za daljnju obradu u različite proizvode ili za građevinske svrhe.
Za fasade se preporučuju kameni proizvodi koji su otporni na vremenske uvjete i pružaju estetski izgled.
Kamen za podove trebao bi biti izdržljiv, otporan na habanje te pružati odgovarajuću površinsku obradu kako bi smanjio opasnost od klizanja.
Za stepeništa je važno izabrati kamen koji je izdržljiv, ima dobru protukliznost i estetski je primjeren prostoru.
Za bazene se preporučuje kamen koji je otporan na vlagu, kemikalije iz bazenske vode i koji pruža sigurnu površinu bez klizanja.
Za javne površine važno je koristiti kamen koji je izdržljiv, otporan na veliku frekvenciju prolaza ljudi, te koji zadovoljava estetske i sigurnosne standarde.